14 May 2014

Book Club Books

WLast year I joined a book club.  I was looking for something to challenge me a bit.  Something different from watching repeats of the same shows on BBC3.  I have a thing about watching obsessive compulsive programmes but that in itself was becoming an obsession of its own.

So, I joined a book club in Glasgow, at an Oxfam Bookshop that my cousin runs.

The first book we read was a biggie  Bring up the bodies, Hilary Mantel  I cheated a bit though, I downloaded it and listened to it while I was dog walking.  Perfect!  I really enjoyed that book.  Wasn't sure at first if it was going to be my cup of tea but it was all about a challenge, wasn't it.

The second book I am struggling to remember. It might come back to me.

The one after that, Birdsong by Sebastian-Faulks  I really loved that book.  I must have been very ignorant about the first world war.  I just didn't realise.  Of course it was a war and people were going to get killed but the way they were sent out into the fields and there was no plan.  Just killing. Its hard to put into words.

Then we read The Crimson Petal and the White  Didn't like it at all.  Not one bit.  Read two chapters and that was enough.

Second last up was The Power and the Glory, Graham Greene.  Im still reading this.  Well I say still, I have went back to it.  I didn't get a chance to read it in time for the discussion at the book club but when they were talking about it and all the sections they liked, it gave me a taste to read it.  I have finished the book we got last week  Fahrenheit-451 already.  In under 1 week.  Yes, I am very pleased with myself for that one.  I thought this book was very thought provoking.  A bit scary to think it was written a while ago and yet today there are similarities.  People do go at 100 miles an hour through life.  Not me, couldn't be bothered moving much faster than I do.

So thats us up to date with the book club action.  Three weeks till the next meeting so I may have the Power and the Glory finished by then.  I do have a cheeky other book an the go that I downloaded tonight though so I may have to go between the two.

What I love about using a talking book is that I can crochet and listen, walk and listen,  just sit and listen but I can't listen in bed or I fall asleep. 

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