4 Nov 2014

Super Sunday. not football related

It's Sunday night again though by the time i post this it will most likely be midweek. 
The last week was super busy getting my people ready for Halloween. Last Saturday we went to the pool. I let them go in by themselves and i sat at the side and read my book. I was finishing off the final bits of tales from a blue bike. 

 I really enjoyed that book, hearing all about Tsh and her lovely family. Im getting more onboard all the time with living more intentionally though in my own way. I do have far less stuff now though than i used to have which is great.

Last Sunday was a quiet day. Really nothing much happened that day at all. 
Monday, work work work.

Tuesday, now this is the exciting bit. We booked a holiday. Our first ever holiday abroad with the kids. Its not till next year but ooooooh I. am. so. excited.  We all are so excited.  We will be off to Lanzarote. I will need to post some links to that once I am on the desk top.

I am still working on my wee guys Halloween costume.  Its cost me zero to make and I got lots of bits of card and cut them out.  Every single one of them.  I must admit it did get a bit labourious but the end result was just perfect.  Well I think so and so does my Joe.

Wednesday was all about the pumpkins.  Stuart had scooped all the innards out the night before so we were free to get creative after work without worrying about the grisly task of scooping and scraping out the middle of the pumpkin.  I really do not like that job and was very glad of the help.

Jessica was totally independent with her choice and took her time with the pumpkin carver.  She done such a good job of her minecraft pumpkin, I was very proud.  Joe picked what he wanted his pumpkin to be but also picked that he wanted me to carve it.  That was fine.  The thought of Joe with even a sharpish instrument worries me slightly though after cutting my thumb open at the age of 17 while making a Halloween costume, i cant really talk.  Zelda was his request.  Im not even sure now what the Zelda thing was but im sure there was an eagle.  I was pretty impressed that I pulled it off.  I should have been happy at that but then decided that I would make mine the Death Star.  Because a working mum of two isnt busy enough you see.  I started it but Stuart finished it. Fair enough.  Half way through the Death Star I got kind of well, bored.   It turned out well though.

Thursday night -  Final prep for the Halloween costume for Joe and out went Jessica to her Halloween party at the Brownies, oops.  Guides.  She was an evil Minnie Mouse.  We got her costume from XS in Irvine.  Jess did not want a handmade costume by mum.

Friday was the big day!  Halloween.  Joe went to my friends house and went round the doors with him.  I went too and was quite mesmerised by how busy the street was.  Where we stay isnt that busy with kids, you might get a few but not compared to what I saw up at my friends.  Jessica went out with her friends under the watchful eye of one of their cousins and a cousins friend.  The got a fair amount of sweeties, very lucky wee people indeed.
Jess decided to put out monkey nuts for the squirrels that sometimes brave our garden but the magpies made short work of the nuts.  They didn't last long at all

Saturday - Lazy day, nothing to report.  Unless you really need to hear about the most delicious black bean I got from the Chinese.

Sunday - Slightly less lazy.  After church the kids went to spend the afternoon while I ironed.  It had  to be done.  And it was all done.  So much so I ran out of coat hanger. Then it was the fireworks.  We were going to go down to the harbour in Saltcoats and see them.  The fair was there so obviously the kids wanted to go on the rides. But just as we got our jackets on to leave the house the heavens opened.  Luckily we are close the harbour so we could see them from the house.  It's nice though to get all wrapped up and take the kids down.  Just not in the driving rain.  I actually don't like the noise of fireworks too much so I was happy to be in the house.

There is one member of our house though who really isn't keen on the fireworks.

Thanks for reading.xx

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